Bad tenant blog post

How to Get Rid of a Bad Tenant in Florida

Dealing with a bad tenant? Trust us, we get it. The stress, the money going down the drain, and all those legal hoops you have to jump through can make life really tough. Did you know landlords can lose around $2,000 on average when dealing with difficult tenants? It’s a real headache, right?

Just think about how awesome life would be without that problem tenant. What would you do with all that extra time and money? This guide is your go-to resource for getting rid of bad tenants and getting your peace of mind back. We know exactly why you’re here, and we’ve got the answers you need.

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The Hidden Toll of a Problematic Tenant

When dealing with bad tenants, most discussions revolve around the legal and financial aspects. However, landlords often suffer a hidden toll in silence. This emotional and financial strain can be just as devastating, if not more so. The first section will delve into these less-discussed but equally important consequences of having a problematic tenant.

The Emotional Cost No One Talks About

The emotional toll of dealing with a bad tenant can be overwhelming, affecting your peace of mind and physical health. A survey found that 75% of landlords reported high-stress levels due to problematic tenants. This stress can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Sleepless nights worrying about property damage or unpaid rent
  • Anxiety over potential legal battles
  • Strained relationships with family and friends due to the constant stress
  • Emotional exhaustion leads to decreased productivity in other areas of life

The emotional cost is real and often overlooked. It’s not just about the money or the property; it’s about the significant impact on your overall well-being.

Financial Drain from a Bad Tenant You Didn’t Sign Up For

Financial losses can be devastating. From unpaid rent to property damage, a bad tenant can cost you thousands of dollars. This can be particularly burdensome in Florida cities like Jacksonville and Miami, where the cost of living is already high. The financial drain can include:

  • Loss of rental income due to unpaid rent
  • Costs of repairs for property damage
  • Legal fees for eviction proceedings
  • The opportunity cost of not being able to rent to a more reliable tenant

The financial toll isn’t just about the immediate loss of rent; it’s also about the ripple effects that can disrupt your financial stability.

The emotional and financial toll of a problematic tenant you’re better equipped to tackle the issue head-on. Whether through legal eviction or selling your property to a reliable buyer like Liberty House Buying Group, you can regain your peace of mind and financial stability.

Rights of tenants

Know Your Rights and Theirs: A Legal Primer

When you’re dealing with a bad tenant, understanding the law is your first line of defense. It’s not just about knowing what you can do; it’s also about understanding what you can’t do.

The legal framework governing tenant-landlord relationships is intricate, with federal and state laws coming into play. In this section, we’ll explore the federal laws that set the stage for tenant-landlord interactions and the specific laws that Florida landlords must adhere to.

Federal Laws Every Landlord Should Know

Federal laws significantly impact how landlords can manage their properties and tenants. For example, the CARES Act, passed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, had provisions that temporarily halted evictions for certain dwellings during specific periods.

While these provisions may have expired, they set a precedent that landlords should be aware of. Such laws often serve as a template for future legislation, especially in times of national crisis. Being aware of these laws can prepare you for any changes in legislation that could affect your ability to evict a tenant.

Florida Tenant Laws Unveiled

Florida has its own laws governing tenant-landlord relationships, outlined in Florida Statutes Chapter 83. These laws are particularly stringent and designed to protect both parties. For instance, if you’re dealing with a non-payment of rent, Florida law requires you to issue a Three-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit.

This notice serves as a formal warning to the tenant, giving them three days to pay the rent or vacate the property. Failure to adhere to this and other state-specific laws can lead to legal repercussions, including financial penalties and a potential lawsuit. Therefore, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with these laws to navigate the eviction process successfully.

The legal framework for dealing with tenants is complex but necessary to protect landlords and tenants. While federal laws provide a broad overview of what is permissible, state laws like those in Florida offer specific guidelines that landlords must follow.

Ignorance is not an excuse in the eyes of the law. Therefore, educating yourself on these legal matters is imperative to protect your interests and successfully manage your property.

broken kitchen

When Can You Legally Say Goodbye? Grounds for Eviction

Evicting a tenant is never a pleasant experience. Still, sometimes, it’s the only viable option to protect your property and peace of mind. While non-payment of rent is the most commonly cited reason for eviction, other, less obvious grounds can also warrant this drastic step.

In this segment, we’ll explore the well-known and lesser-known reasons that can legally justify eviction and delve into the darker aspects of tenant behavior that can force your hand.

Valid Reasons for Eviction You Might Not Know

Non-payment of rent is the most straightforward reason for eviction. Still, other lease violations can also serve as valid grounds. These include:

  • Unauthorized subletting: Renting out a part or the whole property without the landlord’s consent
  • Keeping pets against lease policy: Violating the no-pets clause in the lease agreement
  • Excessive noise: Repeated disturbances that affect the peace and quiet of other tenants or neighbors
  • Damage to property: Deliberate or negligent actions that result in property damage
  • Failure to maintain cleanliness: Leaving the property in a state that poses a health or safety risk

These reasons may not be as blatant as non-payment of rent, but they are just as valid regarding legal eviction. Awareness of these less obvious violations is crucial as they can significantly impact your property and peace of mind.

The Dark Side of a Bad Tenant—Criminal Activities

While it’s less common, criminal activities can also serve as a valid reason for eviction. Both federal and Florida laws stipulate that engaging in criminal activities like drug trafficking, violence, or theft can be grounds for eviction.

The types of criminal activities that can lead to eviction include:

  • Drug trafficking or manufacturing
  • Violent behavior or threats against other tenants
  • Theft or vandalism
  • Illegal gambling operations
  • Other activities that pose a safety risk to the property or other tenants

When a tenant engages in criminal activities, it’s not just a violation of the lease; it’s a violation of the law. This adds another layer of complexity to the eviction process and provides a compelling reason to act swiftly.

While non-payment of rent and criminal activities are the more obvious reasons, other lease violations can also serve as valid grounds for eviction. Being well-versed in these can help you navigate eviction more effectively and protect your property and well-being.

Navigating the Legal Maze: Disclosures and Legalities

Evicting a tenant is not as simple as changing the locks and putting their belongings on the curb; it’s a legal process that requires careful adherence to specific rules and regulations. The path to eviction is fraught with legal requirements that, if not followed to the letter, can result in severe consequences for the landlord.

In this part of the guide, we’ll walk you through the essential notices you must send before initiating an eviction, what to expect when the case goes to court, and the risks associated with wrongful eviction.

Notices You Must Send Before Evicting a Bad Tenant

Before you can even think about evicting a tenant, Florida law mandates that you send specific notices to the tenant. The most common is the Three-Day Notice to Pay Rent or Quit. This notice serves as a final warning to the tenant, giving them a three-day window to either pay the overdue rent or vacate the property.

Another critical notice is the Seven-Day Notice to Cure, which is used for lease violations other than non-payment of rent. This notice gives the tenant seven days to correct the violation or face eviction proceedings. These notices are not mere formalities; they are legal prerequisites for eviction. Failure to send these notices, or sending them incorrectly, can invalidate your eviction case.

What to Expect in the Courtroom Drama

After you’ve sent the required notices and the tenant has failed to comply, the next step is to file an eviction case in court. This involves submitting a formal complaint and summons to the county court where the property is located. Once these documents are filed, the tenant has five days to respond. If they fail to do so, a default judgment can be issued in your favor.

However, if they contest the eviction, a hearing will be scheduled where both parties can present their case. This courtroom process can be intimidating, but it’s a necessary step to legally reclaim your property.

The Risky Business of Wrongful Eviction

Eviction is a legal minefield; one wrong step can lead to disastrous consequences. Wrongful eviction, such as forcibly removing a tenant without following the proper legal procedures, can result in financial penalties and even a lawsuit against you. This is why it’s crucial to consult a legal advisor familiar with Florida’s landlord-tenant laws. They can guide you through the legal maze, ensuring that you’re following the correct procedures every step of the way.

The eviction process is complex, but understanding its intricacies is crucial for successfully navigating it. From the initial notices to the courtroom proceedings and the risks of getting it wrong, each step has its own rules and potential pitfalls. By adhering to these legal requirements and seeking professional advice, you can protect yourself from the repercussions of wrongful eviction and move closer to resolving your tenant issues.

Cash offer for house

Fast-Track Your Peace of Mind: Selling Your Property Quickly

Evictions are stressful, time-consuming, and costly. But what if there was a way to sidestep all that hassle and move on with your life? In this segment, we explore an alternative many landlords overlook: selling the property, particularly to cash buyers. We’ll discuss why this option can be a lifesaver in specific situations and how to ensure you’re partnering with a trustworthy buyer.

Why Cash Buyers Are Your Quick Exit

Selling your property to a cash buyer can be a game-changer, especially when dealing with problematic tenants. Unlike traditional buyers, who may require mortgage approvals and home inspections, cash buyers can close the deal quickly, often within a week.

This speed is particularly beneficial if you’ve inherited a property with its own tenant issues or are facing financial difficulties and must stop foreclosure proceedings. The quick sale relieves you of the burden of a problematic tenant. It provides immediate financial liquidity that can be a boon in challenging times.

How to Find Trustworthy Cash Buyers in Florida

Finding a reliable cash buyer is crucial. The last thing you want is to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. So, how do you ensure you’re making a safe choice? Start by looking for buyers with a solid record of fair deals and quick closings.

Online reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into a buyer’s reputation. But don’t stop there. Legal considerations are equally important. Always insist on a written agreement that clearly outlines the terms of the sale, including the purchase price and the closing date. This legal document serves as your safety net, ensuring that both parties are held accountable for their commitments.

Selling your property to a cash buyer in Florida offers a swift and effective solution to the challenges posed by a difficult tenant. It’s an option that provides immediate relief and financial flexibility, allowing you to move forward without the lingering issues that often accompany tenant disputes. But, like any significant financial decision, it’s essential to do your due diligence. By carefully selecting a reputable cash buyer and insisting on a legally binding agreement, you’re not just selling a property but buying peace of mind.

Plan B: Alternatives to the Courtroom

Eviction is a last resort, often fraught with emotional and financial strain for both parties. But what if there were a less aggressive way to part ways with a problematic tenant?

A way to save time and money while preserving some semblance of a positive relationship? In this segment, we’ll explore two alternatives to eviction that can make the process of saying goodbye less painful: mutual agreements and incentives for a peaceful exit.

Breaking Up is Hard to Do—Mutual Agreement

One of the most straightforward ways to avoid courtroom drama is through a mutual agreement to terminate the lease. This is a legally binding agreement where you and the tenant agree on specific terms, such as the move-out date and any financial settlements that need to be made.

For instance, you might agree to return the full security deposit in exchange for the tenant vacating the property by a certain date. This approach is less stressful, faster, and less costly than going through the eviction process. It allows both parties to move on without the lingering bitterness often accompanying a forced eviction.

The Carrot Approach—Incentives for a Peaceful Exit

Another alternative to eviction is offering incentives encouraging the tenant to move out voluntarily. This can range from a “cash for keys” arrangement, where you offer a financial incentive for the tenant to hand over the keys and vacate the property, to waiving the remaining rent, or even helping with moving expenses.

This approach can be particularly effective in cities like Fort Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, where the high cost of living can make moving a significant financial hurdle. By offering an incentive, you’re providing a win-win solution that allows the tenant to make a fresh start while enabling you to regain control of your property without legal action.

Navigating the complexities of eviction is always challenging, but these alternatives offer a less adversarial path. Whether through a mutual agreement or offering incentives, these options can save you time, money, and emotional energy. They allow for a more peaceful transition and offer a humane way to resolve a fraught and contentious situation.

Living room

Foolproof Your Future: Preparing for Your Next Tenant

The eviction process is draining, both emotionally and financially. But once it’s over, the focus shifts to ensuring you aren’t in the same predicament again.

In this part of our guide, we’ll delve into the proactive steps you can take to mitigate the risks of another problematic tenant. From a comprehensive tenant screening checklist to crafting the perfect lease, these strategies aim to safeguard your property and peace of mind.

The Tenant Screening Checklist You Need

Tenant screening is the first line of defense against potential problems. It’s not just about filling the vacancy; it’s about filling it with the right person. Here’s a checklist to guide you:

  • Credit Checks: A tenant’s credit score can give you an idea of their financial responsibility.
  • Background Checks: This includes criminal history and past evictions, which are red flags.
  • Employment Verification: Confirming a stable source of income ensures they can meet rent obligations.
  • References: Previous landlords can provide insights into the tenant’s behavior and reliability.
  • In-Person Interviews: A face-to-face meeting sometimes tells you what paper can’t.

In cities like Tampa and Orlando, where the rental market is competitive, skipping or skimping on any of these steps can lead to regrettable decisions. A comprehensive screening process is not just advisable; it’s essential.

Crafting the Perfect Lease to Avoid Another Bad Tenant

The lease is more than just a piece of paper; it’s a legally binding document that sets the rules of engagement between you and your tenant. Here are some clauses to consider including:

  • Rent Payment Terms: Clearly outline due dates, grace periods, and late fees.
  • Maintenance and Repairs: Specify who is responsible for what, especially for plumbing problems or fire damage.
  • Behavioral Clauses: Rules about noise levels, guest visits, and pet policies.
  • Security Deposit: Clearly state the conditions under which the deposit will be returned.
  • Termination and Renewal: Include terms for ending the lease or extending it.
  • Special Circumstances: Clauses that address unique situations like a hoarder house can be a lifesaver later.

A well-drafted lease is your safety net. It gives you legal grounds to act if things go south and provides a clear framework for what is expected from both parties.

The journey from eviction to preparing for a new tenant is a learning curve. By implementing a rigorous screening process and crafting a foolproof lease, you’re not just preparing for a new tenant; you’re preparing for a more secure and less stressful future. These aren’t just steps but investments in your peace of mind.

Read more: Selling A House That Needs Repairs In Florida


You’ve equipped yourself with invaluable insights on legally and effectively dealing with a bad tenant in Florida. From understanding the emotional and financial toll to mastering the legal intricacies, you’re now prepared to reclaim your property and peace of mind. If the process still feels overwhelming, remember there are alternatives, like selling your property quickly to resolve tenant issues.

As you ponder your next steps, consider the freedom of a tenant-free property. If you’re looking for a quick and reliable way to move forward, our Liberty House Buying Group team is here to help. We buy houses fast and as is, offering you a hassle-free solution. Take that crucial step toward a stress-free future—reach out to us today.

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Or call us at (786) 686-2060 and we will be happy to answer any question you may have.

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About Eli Pasternak

Eli Pasternak is an experienced Home Cash Buyer and a licensed Real estate Agent. As the owner of Liberty House Buying Group, Eli’s goal is to provide home sellers with better options for their real estate problems than a traditional home sale. He’s been featured in multiple publications, including, Yahoo Finance, MSN, AOL, NBC, FOX, Apartment Therapy,, and more. With Eli’s professional guidance, rest assured that your real estate needs will be expertly addressed.

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